Suzi Witt
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Suzi is the founder and owner of Pretty Witty Cakes. Suzi's graduated from Oxford University in 1997 with a 1st Class Honours Degree in Egyptology/Oriental Studies. From there she was head hunted by a top London law firm and then a US law firm where she became a senior litigation counsel working on some of the most high profile litigation in the world.
After having her first child in 2008, Suzi decided to make a dramatic change in her career path – a change that led to leaving the legal world behind and the creation of Pretty Witty Cakes. Suzi now has two young boys and is passionate about helping others juggle their career with mother hood.
Suzi is self-trained and has amassed a huge amount of knowledge since she began Pretty Witty Cakes becoming a well known and recognisable figure in the baking industry. She has grown Pretty Witty Cakes organically without ever having to take a loan and is a firm believer that home based businesses can "kick ass" in the same way as the more traditionally set up businesses. All it takes is a bit of hard work and determination.
Pretty Witty Cakes - headed up by Suzi - has been at the forefront of changes in the cake world in the past few years - and Suzi is well known for keeping one step ahead of the game by always seeking to push boundaries.
Suzi's cakes won first prize in an international cake competition back in 2010. In 2012, She was one of the first to be invited to be a Star Speaker at the Cake & Bake Show at Earls Court, London in September 2012, a finalist in the 2012 Baking Industry "Rising Star" Award and the winner of the 2012 Highly Commended Award for the Mumpreneur Best International Trader. In 2013 she was a nominated for the Mumpreneur Awards for Best International Trader, Best Saleswomen, Best Supporting Business and Best Interactive Business. IN 2014 and after she was a finalists for the Nectar Small Business Awards, a finalist for the 2014 Baking Industry Awards Customer Focus Awards and a finalist for the Cake Masters Magazine Awards for Best Learning Experience
When SUzi ran face to face classes she and her team taught nearly 5000 students over 3.5 years. Those students come from 35 countries all over the world especially to attend the classes. Suzi primarily teaches those new to baking as well as those with established businesses. Many of Suzi's students have gone on to set up successful cupcake and cake businesses
Suzi's first book came out in Spring 2014. You can purchase a copy here .
With the rapid growth of the online tutorials website, Suzi now works with many cake tutors (over 50 from around the world) presenting online tutorials to members of Pretty Witty Cakes who come from over 90 different countries - logging in each day to watch tutorials. Suzi presents online video tutorials, the Pro and Business tutorials and pdf tutorials at Pretty Witty Cakes.
To follow Suzi, click here and press "follow" under Suzi's picture.